Georgiy B. Shulpin: Biography: 

  Г. Б. Шульпин: Биография:






Biographical Sketch

Georgiy Borisovich Shul’pin was born in Moscow (Russia). He is married (wife Lidia S. Shul’pina, research scientist, Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) and has two sons, Svyatoslav and Pavel. He graduated with a M. S. degree in chemistry from the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University in 1969. During 1969–1972 he was a postgraduate student in Institute of Organoelement Compounds (Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow) under the supervision of Prof. A. N. Nesmeyanov and received his Ph. D. in organometallic chemistry in 1975 (the topic: “The chemistry of ferrocene and some other cyclopentadienyl and olefin complexes”). Since 1978 G. B. Shul’pin has been working at N. N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). He is currently a Senior Scientific Researcher.

His research activities concern metal complex catalysis, oxidation of hydrocarbons, activation of C–H bond in saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, organometallic chemistry. Other interests include photocatalysis, biomimetic oxidations and ecological chemistry.

Main scientific achievements of G. B. Shul’pin are the following: cyanoethylation of ferrocene (1971), formation of inclusion adducts of thiourea with ferrocene and some other complexes (1972), diastereotopy in complexes of vinylferrocenes (1974), the synthesis of macrocyclic ferrocenophanes (1975), the metalation reaction of arenes by hexachloroplatinate (1979), the first example of photoelectrophilic substitution in arenes: photoplatination (1983), photodehydrogenation of alkanes by hexachloroplatinate (1983), a new method of synthesis of pi-olefin complexes of platinum(II) by the reaction of olefins with hexachloroplatinate under light irradiation (1983), thermal and photochemical methylation of platinum complexes by methyl derivatives of Sn and Ge (1984), electrophilic platination of arenes under gamma-irradiation (1984), oxidation of alkanes by Cr(VI) oxo complexes under light irradiation (1986), oxidation of alkanes (including methane) by a system “hydrogen peroxide – vanadium complex – pyrazine-2-carboxylic acid” (1992–2011), photooxidation of alkanes to alkyl hydroperoxides by a system “oxygen – quinone – copper acetate” (1995), aerobic photooxidation of alkanes catalyzed by various oxo, chloride and cyclopentadienyl complexes of transition metals (1988–1999), photochemical degradation of phenols in aqueous solutions promoted by various metal complexes (1997), stereoselective oxygenation of alkanes, olefins, alcohols and sulfides by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a carboxylic acid catalyzed by a binuclear Mn(IV) complex (1998–2011), hydrogen peroxide oxidations of hydrocarbons and alcohols catalyzed by heterogeneous metal complexes (for example, titanosilicalite TS-1, alumina, montmorillonites) (2006–2011), oxidations of hydrocarbons and alcohols by systems H2O2/NaVO3/H2SO4, H2O2/NaVO3/oxalic acid, and H2O2/Os3(CO)12/pyridine (2009–2011).

He visited with courses of lectures and worked as a visiting Professor in Brazil (with Prof. U. Schuchardt, University of Campinas, 1996, 2002; Prof. E. R. Lachter, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2001; Prof. D. Mandelli, Pontific Catholic University, Campinas, 2003, 2007–2009), Czech Republic (with Dr. P. Lederer, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Prague, 1983, 1986, 1990), France (with Prof. J. Muzart, Universite de Reims, 1991; Prof. B. Chaudret, Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS, Toulouse, 1994; Prof. J.-M. Bregeault, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 2002), Germany (with Prof. C. Bolm, Institut fuer Organische Chemie der RWTH, Aachen, 2002), India (with Prof. A. Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 2008), Italy (with Dr. D. Attanasio, Istituto di Teoria e Struttura Elettronica, CNR, Rome, 1991), Japan (with Prof. Y. Ishii, Kansai University, Osaka, 1998), Portugal (with Prof. A. J. L. Pombeiro, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006–2011), Spain (with Prof. J. Vicente, Universidad de Murcia, 1993), Switzerland (with Prof. G. Süss-Fink, Universite de Neuchatel, 1993–2006; Dr. D. Veghini, Lonza AG, Visp, 2000–2006), Thailand (with Prof. D. Thanaboripat and Dr. T. Sooknoi, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, 2004), UK (with Prof. J. R. Lindsay Smith, University of York, 1997), USA (with Prof. R. S. Drago, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1995). Shul’pin was a superviser and co-superviser of M. S., Ph. D. and postdoc works. He is a Foreign Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon (Portugal) and a member of Editorial Boards of journals: “Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science”,“Catalysts”, “TheScientificWorldJOURNAL” (domain "Organic Chemistry").

G. B. Shul’pin has published more than 230 papers in international and Russian chemical journals resulting in more 5000 citations (one of his publications has been cited more than 1300 times). He is the author (coauthor) of monographs published in Russian and English: S. P. Gubin and G. B. Shul’pin “The Chemistry of Complexes Containing Metal-carbon Bonds”, Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1984 (280 pp.); G. B. Shul’pin “Organic Reactions Catalyzed by Metal Complexes”, Nauka, Moscow, 1988 (285 pp.); A. E. Shilov and G. B. Shul’pin “Activation and Catalytic Reactions of Hydrocarbons”, Nauka, Moscow, 1995 (400 pp.); A. E. Shilov and G. B. Shul’pin, “Activation and Catalytic Reactions of Saturated Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Metal Complexes”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2000, (548 pp.); G. B. Shul’pin, Chapter “Oxidations of C–H Compounds Catalyzed by Metal Complexes”, in: "Transition Metals for Organic Synthesis", Eds. M. Beller, C. Bolm, Second Edition, WILEY-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2004, Vol. 2, Chapter 2.2, pp. 215–241; G. B. Shul’pin, Chapter “Selectivity in C–H functionalizations”, in: “Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II”, Vol. 6, Eds. J. Reedijk, K. Poeppelmeier, L. Casella, Elsevier, in press. He holds patents of Europe, USA, UK, Germany, Japan, France and USSR. He has also written numerous books on popular science and articles in popular scientific journals, for example: G. B. Shul’pin, “Engrossing Chemistry”, Moscow, Khimiya, 1984, 184 pp, (second edition: Moscow, Publisher URSS, 2011) in Russian; G. B. Shul’pin, “The World of Unusual Molecules: Organometallic Complexes”, Moscow, Nauka, 1986, 176 pp, in Russian; G. B. Shul’pin, “Chemistry for Everyone”, Moscow, Znanie, 1987, 144 pp, in Russian; G. B. Shul’pin, “Engrossing Chemistry”, Sofia, Narodna Prosveta, 1988, 168 pp, in Bulgarian; C. Shulpin, “Que es la quimica organica”, Ediciones Quinto Sol, Mexico, 1988, 272 pp., in Spanish; G. B. Shul’pin, “Learning About Chemistry”, Moscow, Mir Publishers, 1989, 232 pp., in English; G. B. Sulpin, “Okouzlujici chemie”, Polytechnicka kniznice SNTL, Praha 1989, 158 pp. in Czech; G. B. Shulpin, “Quimica para todos”, Moscu, Editorial Mir, 1990, 264 pp., in Spanish.

Shul’pin is a medalist of the Government for the honored citizens of Moscow (1997), and the winner of the International Academic Publishing Company “Nauka/Interperiodica” (Pleiades Publishing, Inc.) Award for the best publications of 2008 as well as of the prize of the Society “Znanie” (“Knowledge”) for the popular book “Chemistry for Everyone”.





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